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Selected KPIs

• +40 infrastructure devices providing real-time data

• Improved data coverage, availability & accessibility

• 5 improved SUMI indicators monitoring


Travelers across Finland will have a continuous, real-time view of multimodal traffic, enabling them to access all necessary data from the mobility data space. This accessibility empowers them to enhance travel comfort, efficiency, and reduce emissions. The data is available anytime, anywhere, and on any vehicle.

Use Case

Collection of data, mandated by the ITS directive, and interface to the NAP Mobility themes addressed in the use case 

Cluster: Data reporting / Data for mobility planning 


The use case aims to provide harmonised data to the National Access Point (NAP) and EMDS, ensuring stakeholders can access and use Finnish transport data to develop services that meet end users’ needs. 


  • Gathering relevant data: Collecting standardised data on public and road transport by the City of Tampere and Tampere Region Public Transport. 
  • Innovation-ready: Delivering Data in a standard format to Fintraffic for aggregation with other multimodal data sources. 
  • Across the city borders: Facilitating the creation of travel-related products for service providers and extending services to other cities. 


This use case ensures that transport data is accessible in a harmonised format. By standardising data collection and integrating it into a national and European data space, it ultimately supports smooth travel experiences and service expansion across Finland and Europe. 



Currently, the City of Tampere collects and partially shares data on public transport and other mobility services, but much of it is not yet registered in the catalogue of the NAP. Static public transport information is available in GTFS format, while real-time data lacks occupancy details and historical data is not accessible. Additionally, data on city bicycles, park and ride facilities, incidents, roadworks, and winter maintenance is available but in varying formats and levels of accessibility. 

Local implementation and pilot partners