The pinnacle of data governance is found in user privacy by default. Combining legal and technical aspects, its mission is to ensure a level playing field. By giving full control over data and identity back to the citizen through an independent data infrastructure, ‘’, represents all that. Under this label the decentralised ‘transaction broker’ service for trusted data sharing allows multiple organisations to collaborate on value adding services offered to natural persons and amongst legal entities building forth on identification and authorisation management ( Its compliance with the European values, the data strategy and its supporting regulation, a.o. GDPR and DGA, fills a niche in the data spaces reference architecture. Referral to certified decentralised transaction brokers in tenders enables authorities to ensure their citizens with full control over data and identity, and assuring a level playing field for market actors, pro-actively.
Within the deployment call will share its expertise on compliance and interoperability between the different ticketing- and MaaS-schemes to ensure a seamless, multimodal and cross-border travel experience for passengers, with respect to their data and digital identity. Catering to user privacy by default.